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Doris Davis Trail Update

First and foremost thank you for your patience regarding Doris Davis trail. The complexity regarding the trail spans two jurisdictions, one county, and three properties. It has been a significant undertaking that has led us down the path of a lawsuit with the two property owners. To date they have both been served and we are hopeful to have a court date in the near future. Each property owner has secured legal counsel and there are rumblings of some type of settlement but the primary goal is to get our trail accessible again.

We have received a couple of emails in reference to the frustration of the slow process. We understand and it is important to remind everyone that this is an all volunteer effort that requires commitment from our volunteers after their respective work days are done. Moreover, we would have been unable to reach this point were it not for the numerous testimonials provided by community members that have utilized the Doris Davis trail over the years. While it took time to obtain these testimonials, we very much appreciate your help.

Concurrently TAC Is putting more pressure on Tillamook County to send out a representative to view the trail. Our efforts toward that end have fallen on deaf ears. Numerous emails, phone calls, and a petition of over 500 signatures have resulted in no reply. There can be little doubt the lagging response is due to the challenges of the pandemic, however we have been more than patient. That said, we will be serving the county with a more formal letter in the coming days in hopes of getting a response.

Finally, while Cherry Trail may not be everyone’s initial trail of concern, it may become this community’s only access to the beach (pending the court case for Doris Davis). With that in mind we are encouraging all our members to get engaged with the city. Contact the city and request that they are supportive of developing the right of way so that we are able to enjoy the beach access that we have had for over 50 years. We need this assurance from the city and we need your help getting it. Thank you.

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