Here is the latest Summary of the status of proposed South Cherry Trail along with Zoom Meeting invitation which can also be found on City Council section of City of Manzanita website:
Trail Access Committee (TAC) has presented trail building proposals at the June and July City Council meetings then followed up with the requested detailed trail plan produced by Brandon Tigner of Trailkeepers with proposed timeline.
The City has approved taking on a new trail in their Ocean Ave. right-of-way subject to certain conditions.
TAC has satisfied several City requirements including confirming with State ADA Coordinator that project would be satisfied with signage reflecting alternative paved routes at trailheads.
TAC has City Agreement to proceed with boundary survey which has been ordered and will be completed by 8/18 and funded by TAC donations.
TAC has agreed to provide trail maintenance for at least next 3 years as suggested by City.
TAC will not remove trees as required by City.
The City has decided to hire a trail consultant to provide added information to Council prior to final approval. Consultant interviewed me along with trail opponent(s) and other parties prior to finalizing his report due before the scheduled Trail Workshop set for Wed 8//12 at 4:00. His recommendations will be presented at this time and pubic testimony will be allowed during this workshop process.
We are hopeful that the expertise provided by Trailkeepers who will train our volunteers and supervise trail construction like they did with the Elk Meadow Park trail and steps south of town, will satisfy all parties and allow us to proceed as proposed.
Please try to attend and raise hand and participate if you can!
We also need additional funds to pull this off so please follow up with whatever support you can provide via website linked gofundme for Cherry Trail.
CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP Zoom Meeting Wednesday August 12, 2020 4:00 pm The purpose of this special workshop is to discuss issues related to the Classic Ridge Trail Proposal. No final decisions will be made. The public is invited to attend. Topic: City Council Workshop Time: Aug 12, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8234 4722 Passcode: 378542 +1(253)215-8782